
2023 - Hansen's Leadership Conference

The Hansen's Group of Companies (HGC) came together for its 2023 - Annual Leadership Offsite packed with energy, mindfulness and fun!

Our conference this year commenced with a powerful session on "Radical Self Care" by Inkblot Therapy - CJ Calvert, Motivational Speaker TEDx, Author & Life Coach.

Followed by a deep dive into "Cyber Security Awareness Training" with keynote speaker Danny Pehar - member of the Forbes Technology Council, a monthly contributor on cybersecurity to the renowned business magazine, Architect of the Cybercrime Equation and Advisory Board Member of InfoSecTO.

We celebrated our 2023 - Leadership Service Awards and received Leadership Appreciation from Mike Hansen - CEO and John DiBernardo - COO & CFO.

Our team of Leaders were awarded their Certificates for completing "Workplace Violence & Harassment Investigations Training" as part of our Leadership continuous learning & development.

We concluded with a creative and competitive Bot Creation Team Building event hosted by Eventology - Jason Maraschiello & Matt Miller who led the groups through a challenging and fun filled Robot competition.

Workplace Violence & Harassment Investigations Certification - Leaders across the Hansen's Group of Companies
Danny Pehar, Cyber Expert - InCyber on Cybersecurity
The Team with the most creative Robot Design "The Hansenator"
Hansen's Group of Companies - Leadership Appreciation